Dalia Sendra Rodriguez, Ana Margarida Ferreira and Carlos A. M. Duarte

30 THURSDAY - 11:00/14:00 H
Design for sustainable social innovation. Creating new forms of co-creation.
Dalia Sendra Rodriguez, Ana Margarida Ferreira and Carlos A. M. Duarte
Title: Design for sustainable social innovation. Crafting new forms of co-creation.
Coordinators: Dalia Sendra Rodriguez, Ana Margarida Ferreira y Carlos A. M. Duarte
Day: 30 november
Duration: 11:00 a 14:00 h.
Participants: Maximum 25 participants
The workshop will be conducted using a toolkit that includes the following elements per group: an introduction, instructions, a set of cards, sticky notes, permanent markers and a canvas.
The pack of cards is organised into six decks (context problem, craft resources, design methods, skills, social innovation tools, and agents and stakeholders).
Each pack of cards will include various states, concepts and definitions previously identified through the literature review and case study analysis work carried out by the team involved. By combining one card from each of the six decks, each group of participants will have a specific situation involving a problem context, a design strategy, a tool, a resource, a skill and a change agent. Based on the outcome of the card sorting, each group will have to speculate, debate, share knowledge and explore solutions (IDEO, 2019) in which suggestions, questions and provocations will emerge.
Participants will shuffle practical solutions using their card sorting. A printed canvas will be provided to guide participants in defining possible solutions and opportunities given the context of the card sort provided.