Information for authors. Notes
on papers and public exhibitions.
Abstract submission
It must be submitted digitally in PDF format (according to the attached template) through EquinOCS platform, at this link: abstracts written in English will be accepted. In case of acceptance, the oral presentation must also be also in English (although it may be given in Spanish if simultaneous translation is available at the congress).
If your proposal is accepted, you may update it as an article for publication in the conference proceedings or as a book chapter for a volume to be submitted to Springer as well as to the journal I+Diseño.
Call for papers
- Long papers (12 pages)
- Short papers (6 pages)
- Demonstration projects
- Workshops
Abstracts must be submitted digitally in PDF format (according to the attached template) through EquinOCS platform, at this link:
Abstracts should have no indication of authorship and any other information that might lead to the identification of the authors should be omitted. Papers will be subject to double blind peer review process.
A selection of the best papers will be considered for publication as book chapters, which will be proposed to Springer (
Other papers will be proposed for publication to I+Diseño (International Journal of Research, Innovation and Development in Design, University of Málaga) (
Papers not selected as book chapters for Springer or for the journal I+Diseño will be published in the e-book of Proceedings by IADE Press ( with ISBN, which will include all abstracts of accepted papers.
The Culture & Design Monographs collection of the University of Malaga ( may propose the development of a monograph of any of the papers presented.
Types of proposal
Long papers
They should report on substantial contributions of lasting value. The maximum length is 12 pages, in English (Arial, 12 point, automatic line spacing).
Tales from the market
This category is aimed at professionals active in the marketplace or in non-profit organisations who are exploring design in their work within communities. The maximum length of proposals is 4 pages, in English (Arial, 12 point, automatic line spacing). At the conference, presentations in this category will take the form of panels/roundtables.
Short papers
Short papers may deal with interesting new work that is not yet mature enough for a long paper. Novel but significant proposals will be considered for acceptance in this category, despite not having undergone sufficient experimental validation or lacking a solid theoretical basis. Applications from PhD students are particularly welcome. The maximum length is 6 pages, in English (Arial, 12 point, automatic line spacing). Short papers may be presented in a poster or paper session, as decided by the scientific committee.
Proposals for this category are expected to give rise to sessions that go beyond conventional communication formats and actively involve participants in other types of activities, such as small discussion groups, practical group work. The proposal should include: the title of the workshop and its objectives; the intended format, duration, methods or techniques used to structure the workshop; how participants should contribute to the workshop; how the theme and format of the workshop are linked to the conference, the minimum/maximum number of participants; and the necessary equipment or set-up conditions (if any). These workshops can be held in both English and Spanish.
Until 25 June 2023
Until 30 September 2023
Since 27 July 2023
28 November – 01 December 2023
Very important!
1. In the initial submission (long abstract), authors should indicate the type of presentation and the macro-tracks (main and secondary) to which they are submitting their proposal.
3. Proposals submitted at the invitation of a specific track chair must be marked as such by including the name of the theme leader when submitting the proposal.
5. The conference reference style is APA, v.7.
2. The most selected topics will be chosen as the final topics of the Senses&Sensibility’23 Conference.
4. The language of the conference is English, so all papers should be submitted in English.
6. For inclusion in the e-book, at least one unique registration per paper is required.
Organisers, co-organisers, partners, and members of the Senses & Sensibility’23 team.