Venues of the event in Malaga. Link by UMA 29-30 November / Centre Pompidou 1 December.

Link by UMA
Edificio The Green Ray, Ampliación Campus de Teatinos, Bulevar Louis Pasteur, 47, 29590 Málaga.
The Link By UMA is a shared space for innovation, entrepreneurship, and creativity located in The Green Ray building at the University of Malaga. It is a place that provides an opportunity for the university community to collaborate and learn with companies and other professionals, aiming to co-create, brainstorm, and develop new entrepreneurial initiatives.

Centre Pompidou
Pasaje Doctor Carrillo Casaux, s/n. 29016, Muelle Uno, Puerto de Málaga.
The Centre Pompidou Malaga is a headquarters of the National Art Center and Culture Georges Pompidou of France located in the space known as El Cubo, intervened by the french artist Daniel Buren. This is the first headquarters of Centre Pompidou Paris abroad and it was inaugurated the 28th March of 2015.
Organisers, co-organisers, partners, and members of the Senses & Sensibility’23 team.