Exploring Places for Life: Applying Inclusive Design Principles to Public Places and Spaces.
Minna Eronen and Åsa Wikberg Nilsson.
Title: Exploring places for life: Applying Inclusive Design Principles for Public Places and Spaces
Coordinators: Minna Eronen y Åsa Wikberg Nilsson
Day: 29 November
Timetable: 15:00 a 18:00 h.
Participants: Maximum 25 participants
In this workshop we explore attractiveness and inclusivity of public places, spaces and things from the perspective of safety, usability, and sensuousness. We immerse ourselves in our surroundings and afterwards we share insights by using various tangible small objects to create collages that depict user journeys, scenarios, or place re-designs. No previous knowledge in place design is required as everyone is the expert of their own experience(s).
The facilitators of this workshop, Minna Eronen and Åsa Wikberg Nilsson are based in Luleå University of Technology in Sweden. Åsa is Professor and Head of Design. She has broad academic and practical experience in various fields of design: visual communication, physical objects, service- and UX-design, and place- and systems. Minna is a PhD Candidate starting her fifth and final year. She has background in spatial design and her research interest is co-creation of attractive living environments.