Transfers/design. Roles and value of Design in building sustainable cities
Juan Aguilar and Javier Fernández
Title: Roles and value of Design in building sustainable cities
Directors: Javier Fernández and Juan Aguilar
Duration: 2:30 hours
Timetable: 09:30-12:30h
Participants: Maximum 25
The seminar will highlight previous experiences in the development of Design as a factor of transformation of public administrations with the aim of planning a biannual, bimodal, bilingual and hybrid Congress (academic-scientific and professional meeting) in Malaga in 2025. We call it "Málaga Design Congress 2025" and it will have as its thematic reference the construction of sustainable cities: Functions and value of Design. For the development of the project we will follow the steps and collaborative experiences of Transferencias.Design.
Transferencias.Design-AAD, University of Malaga, University of Deusto, University Rey Juan Carlos, AAD-Andalusian Association of Designers and Dimad-Association of Designers of Madrid.
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